Apply Today for Two Great CMSA Awards

Case Management Practice Improvement Award & Case Management Research Award

These awards have been established to:

1. Honor successful efforts to promote evidence-based case management practice.

2. Acknowledge exceptional efforts to research best practice innovation that help quantify and define outcomes in case management.

3. Encourage activities which aim to advance case management.

4. Recognize innovation to foster evidence-based practice components defined by the CMSA Standards of Practice for Case Management.

Through these distinguished awards, CMSA desires to recognize an individual, group, or organization that is truly bringing the field of case management to the next level through all of these qualities.

Nominate today by clicking here!

The Case Management Foundation — a charitable, not-for-profit organization created to support education, research, and professional development for case management professionals — sponsors CMSA’s Award for Case Management Research and Award for Case Management Practice Improvement each year. Learn more about the Case Management Foundation at