WEBINAR: Aging in 2020: Providing Care in the Decade of Choice

In 2020, aging Americans have more choices than ever before. As baby boomers consider future long-term care options, new models arise to address individual needs and a culture of choice. From location to roommates, technology to psychology, transportation to socialization – choices abound for seniors in the new era. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, technology-based solutions such as telehealth, previously under-utilized in preference for in-person care, have now become mainstream options. With an overwhelming variety of care models, case managers and care teams must help older adults choose and implement the solutions that will work best for them, navigating a path to independence, quality of life and lower costs.
CEs: 1 Hour Nursing, 1 Hour CCM, 1 Hour ASWB
October 7, 2020 at 12 PM CDT 

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