
The CMSA National Office is excited to announce that Kelly Castady has joined the team as chapter relations manager. Kelly’s main areas of responsibility include chapter development and editorial oversight. She will be working with each CMSA chapter to assist as needed and facilitate consistent communication and growth.

When asked to tell us about herself, she shared this: “I have spent most of my career working in the hospitality industry, spending 12 years with Hyatt hotels and resorts in various marketing and public relations positions and look forward to bringing that knowledge to this role. I love getting creative in problem solving, brainstorming new ideas and developing streamlined ways of communicating the message and voice of an organization. On a more personal note, I have two kids (Oliver 10 and Isla 7), and our family has moved across the country five times in the past 12 years for my husband’s hotel management career. Our move to Nashville in June 2020 was our final move, and we have put roots down just east of the city. Additionally, I am a competitive equestrian in show jumping, which is something I have done since I was about 9 years old. I have a horse named Levi, and our family has a goldendoodle puppy named Penny.”