
One of the top reasons our members value CMSA? The large amount of diverse educational content available (free for members)!

Of the 150+ CE courses and webinars in our CMSA Educational Resource Library (ERL), these were the top five of 2022:

"Diversity, Equity, & Immigration" 
1 hour CE: CCM Ethics and RN

"Food Insecurity and its Impact on Health"
1 hour CE: RN, CCM, and SW

"Nurse Malpractice Data Trends"
1 hour CE: RN and CCM

"Technological Applications in Case Management Practice"
1 hour CE: RN and CCM

"Transforming Healthcare: Progress Report on CMSA Legislative Initiatives – A Panel Discussion"
1.25 hours CE: CCM, RN, and SW

Access these courses from our Featured Education Page: