
CMSA blogs are written and contributed by a broad range of authors, from board directors and industry partners to working case managers and recent retirees. Find every perspective here!

And now? Find them twice a week! As of January 2023, CMSA blogs post on Mondays and Thursdays each week.

"I Forgave My Veteran Father for His Behavior Caused by His Wartime Trauma" by Anita Herron, BS
Family relationships with veterans can be difficult, but when we understand the trauma the veteran may have endured, it makes forgiveness and connection possible.

"Practicing Gratitude" by Patricia Noonan, MBA, RN, CCM, FCM
How can we simultaneously improve our own mental health and the mental health of our colleagues? By practicing gratitude!

"Resume Writing, a Time to Brag!" by Marianne DiMola
Are you putting your best foot forward or starting off on the wrong one? Use these excellent tips to make sure!

"Happy 2023! Wait...What?!" by Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM, FCM
Are you as surprised by how quickly 2022 came and went as we are? A look back and a vision forward!