
We are thrilled to announce and welcome our newest CMSA Affiliate Partners — the Society of Social Work Leaders in Health Care (SSWLHC), the National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA) and the American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners (AANLCP). The addition of these collaborations marks an exciting chapter in CMSA’s commitment to knowledge sharing and the advancement of case management.

CMSA’s affiliate partnerships embody our commitment to fostering connections and sharing expertise with other non-profit organizations. Through our current partnerships and future collaborations, CMSA will continue to empower our members with the tools and insights needed to provide exceptional care and support to those we serve.

Stay tuned for the expert content, educational opportunities and collaborative initiatives that will come from these partnerships. We look forward to the positive impact these affiliations will have on our collective mission to advance case management excellence.

Learn more about CMSA Affiliate Partners...