
Read articles from our recent issue on Evidence-Based Practice and our new web-only series on Worker's Comp!

"Welcome, 2024!" by Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM, FCM

"The Premier Case Management Event of the Year — 2024 CMSA Annual Conference & Expo" Association News

"A Road Less Traveled: Bridge to Home" by Jennifer Cline, PT, DHSC, MS, and Shona Metcalf, RN, BSN, MSN, CCM, IQCI

"Social Work Navigation Program in Emergency Department to Address SDOH Needs" by Diane Shifley, PT, DPT

"Patient Advocates: A Crucial Piece of the Elder Care Puzzle" by Jennifer Halloran, PhD, BCPA

“Using Research to Advocate for Best Practices" by Kerri Wizner, MPH, CPH, and Keemia Vaghef, PhD

"How Home Care Impacts Hospital Readmission Rates" by Dana Taylor, LCSW, and Sylvia Trein

New issues post first on cmsatoday.com, plus new articles post each week, so visit regularly for fresh content on current case management trends.