
We are thrilled to congratulate the Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition on winning the Award of Excellence for Chapter Educational Program at the 2024 CMSA Annual Conference! This recognition highlights the outstanding efforts and collaborative spirit of the Coalition in revitalizing educational opportunities for their members.

At the 2023 National Conference, seven chapters including CICMSA, Springfield, Cleveland Chapter of CMSA, Madison Wisconsin, Southern Ohio Valley Chapter, Fort Wayne, and Chicago, met and discussed forming a Coalition, inspired by the successful North-East Coalition.

The Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition worked diligently to develop a coordinated plan of action, focusing on enhancing chapter education. Through their collaborative efforts, they achieved remarkable success in their first year, organizing ZOOM educational meetings that fostered networking and increased member participation. This initiative not only revitalized member engagement but also attracted sponsors, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the chapters.

We applaud the Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition for their innovative approach and dedication to advancing case management education. Their success serves as an inspiration to all CMSA chapters, demonstrating the power of collaboration and shared purpose.

Congratulations to all the chapter leaders and members involved in this extraordinary achievement! Your hard work and commitment have truly made a difference, and we look forward to seeing your continued success in the years to come.