CMSA’s Standards of Practice for Case Management serves as a unifying force for professional case management practice by providing a common understanding and application of the case management role, process and expectations.
The CMSA Standards of Professional Case Management Practice online course is made up of 16 online modules and designed to enhance knowledge of each of the 15 Standards. By expanding on these common principles, professional case managers receive a unified education creating quality skill sets across the healthcare continuum. The coursework embraces the case management care continuum in any work environment, which contributes to consistency in foundational case management knowledge and a long, sustainable workforce.
This course is pre-approved for 32 hours of continuing education credit for RN, SW and CCM. Individual, student and group rates are available, as well as a special member rate!
Expand your knowledge of the CMSA Standards and common industry terms, demonstrate the use of the Standards through case studies and create consistent delivery of case management related services.
Preview the online course and register today!
The CMSA Public Policy Committee invites you to join in for a live Public Policy Webinar, "Healthcare Reform 2020-2021: The Nonpartisan Perspective" on Wednesday, March 25 at 5:00PM Central. Jenny Quigley-Stickney, CMSA Public Policy Committee Chair, will discuss important topics including: -The case manager's role in managing COVID-19; -Overview of healthcare plans including modified ACA, Medicare for all, and Trumpcare; -Prescription drug price reduction plans; -New HHS legislation for patient control and management of their personal healthcare data. Please click the link below to register for this webinar. Do not miss this important information!
CMSA's ICM program provides multiple strategies to engage clients, stratify risk, and develop care plans to mitigate risk and help clients achieve improved health and well-being. Our training includes review of "CMSA's Integrated Case Management Manual: For Case Managers by Case Managers," online learning sessions, self-study activities to prepare for face-to-face training, and 16 hours of interactive practical application in a classroom setting.
-Program Elements -ICM manual study -Post manual exam -Online training sessions -Face-to-face training -Nursing, Social Work and CCM CEU’s: 30 hours at completion of the program -Certificate of completion in Integrated Case Management when all program elements are met Want to learn more? Download the ICM whitepaper today. Or, if you're ready to register, do so today at the link below. CMSA members receive a large discount!
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At CMSA's 30th Anniversary Conference & Expo in Boston, save big with early bird pricing and other discounts through April 1! This year's event offers up to 44 CEs*:
-CCMC: Commission for Case Manager Certification for up to 44.25 hours (with up to 20 Ethics credits)
-CDMS: Certification of Disability Management Specialist 44.25 hours (with up to 20 Ethics credits)
-CRCC: Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification for up to 35.25 hours (with up to 20 Ethics credits)
-CPHQ: National Association for Healthcare Quality for up 41.25 hours
-Nursing: Case Management Society of America (CMSA) is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing #11460, for 41.75 Contact Hours
- ASWB: CMSA Provider #1448 is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards ( ASWB), through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. ASWB approval period 10/31/17-10/31/20. Social workers should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval. The social worker participating in this conference can receive up to 27.5 continuing education clock hours
Explore event details and register today!
Did you miss our Las Vegas conference, or simply weren't able to attend all sessions while onsite? No problem!
Sessions from the 2019 annual conference are in the Educational Resource Library. Access 44 up-to-date, relevant courses at your fingertips, offering a total of 44.5 CE hours nursing, 44.5 CE hours for CCMC, 6.75 Ethics CCM CE hours and 25 ASWB hours.
The best thing of all: If you are a CMSA member, all courses are absolutely free as part of your member benefits. Head to the ERL to explore and start earning your CEs today!
The CMSA Foundation has a few deadlines quickly approaching! Click here to learn how you might receive a complimentary conference registration to the CMSA 2020 Conference in Boston, or earn recognition for an outstanding program or best practice in your organization.
CMSA and CCMC are working together to continue advancing professional case managers in their career paths. CMSA members receive a 20% discount when applying for the CCM, as well as upon renewal. Those who hold the CCM certification receive a 20% discount for CMSA membership. If you're not yet a member but would like to save 25% as a newly minted CCM, please contact CMSA Client Services at or 501-225-2229.

Download CMSA's Standards of Practice for Case Management, 2016 revision, which provides practice guidelines for the case management industry and its diverse stakeholders. The impetus for the 2016 revision of the Standards is the need to emphasize the professional nature of the practice and role of the case manager.
The 2016 Standards contain information about case management including an updated definition, practice settings, roles and responsibilities, case management process, philosophy and guiding principles, as well as the standards and how they are demonstrated.
Download Your Copy
Pat Stricker, RN, MEd
Former Senior Vice President
TCS Healthcare Technologies
As everyone is well aware, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is sweeping the globe. Since it was first reported in December 2019 to the World Health Organization by China, it has been reported in 159 counties worldwide, causing 184,976 reported cases and 7,529 deaths, according to the WHO website statistics of March 17, 2020. The U.S. has 3,536 reported cases with 58 deaths.
And it is continuing to increase extremely rapidly. There are no vaccines or treatments identified to combat this new virus, so the greatest fear is that large numbers of patients will become severely ill at the same time, requiring respirators and intensive care beds. This could overwhelm hospital and healthcare system resources, resulting in a large number of deaths. In an attempt to slow down the transmission, regions and countries around the world have instituted large-scale “lockdowns” to enforce “social distancing.”
Final rules require access to health information, spur innovation and aim to end information blocking
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today finalized two transformative rules that will give patients unprecedented safe, secure access to their health data. Interoperability has been pursued by multiple administrations and numerous laws, and today, these rules finally deliver on giving patients true access to their healthcare data to make informed healthcare decisions and better manage their care. Putting patients in charge of their health records is a key piece of giving patients more control in healthcare, and patient control is at the center of the Trump administration’s work toward a value-based healthcare system.
The two rules, issued by the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), implement interoperability and patient access provisions of the bipartisan 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) and support President Trump’s MyHealthEData initiative. MyHealthEData is designed to empower patients around a common aim - giving every American access to their medical information so they can make better healthcare decisions.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
CMSA Today™—the official magazine of the Case Management Society of America—is the magazine for case managers. We are committed to providing case management knowledge, perspectives and news to case managers in all sectors of the profession. To facilitate that mission, we accept and consider:

•Original articles written by case managers of all healthcare backgrounds;
•Expertly prepared articles from professional writers–whether medical writers or experienced generalists–on case management topics;
•Feature articles, column material, and news about case management trends and issues, as well as about CMSA chapters and their activities;
•and personal, member-generated items considered nontraditional for a professional-association publication as poems, rembemberances and similar sorts of content.
Consider sharing your knowledge by writing and submitting an article! Click below to learn more. Learn More