CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter
Special Announcement
With the continuing threat of COVID-19 and the related government restrictions, including those on travel and gathering size for meetings, the CMSA Board of Directors has been forced to move the 2021 Hybrid Annual Conference to a complete virtual format. While we are disappointed that we can’t gather together in person, the health and safety of our members is our top priority. We are looking forward to a virtual experience like none other and hope you make plans to join us!
Member Announcements
Webinar: Bruce Berger, PhD, an expert Pharmacy Educator, offers his insight on caring for patients with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.  Vaccine hesitancy requires compassion and understanding; join us to learn more. 
 Every year CMSA gives special recognition to a case manager who exemplifies excellence and dedication to our profession. Perhaps you have a colleague in mind to nominate for Case Manager of the Year or Award of Service Excellence? Read more information and have your application submitted by March 1st! 
 CMSA invites you to explore the new integrated website and member portal. The new site will allow us to tailor CMSA benefits to better fit your needs – all in one place. The improved member portal will allow you to log in once to access your membership profile, renewal information, enhanced membership directory, Educational Resource Library, register for the annual conference, submit abstracts, and more. It's your one-stop shop for all things CMSA.
 Another amazing group of new members has joined CMSA! We are eager to share with them the many benefits of membership. Please view this list and help us welcome these new colleagues.
Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Publication Portal
We’ve spent the last year seeing the number of cases and deaths increase exponentially, our schools and businesses close, and our lives being placed on hold. But I think we may be getting ready to round the corner and see some light at the end of the tunnel. The good news may not be as optimistic as we would prefer right now, but let’s take a look at some of the positive things that are beginning to happen.
Chapter Connection
The CMSA SOV Chapter continues to stay connected with members by collaborating with other chapters across the country. Please read about their exciting spring event coming up and two amazing members who recently received national honors. 
Our Mission Is Mutual: Helping Your Patients
Allsup Inc.
Allsup is a valuable, free resource for case managers who counsel and manage care for patients unable to work at least 12 months due to an acute medical condition or injury.
We provide a free eligibility review anywhere nationwide. Our Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) experts have helped 345,000+ former workers obtain:
 ·      Monthly income
·      Medicare, including prescription drug coverage   
·      Dependent benefits and more
Click here to learn more about Allsup
Thank You
CMSA's ICM program provides multiple strategies to engage clients, stratify risk, and develop care plans to mitigate risk and help clients achieve improved health and well-being. Our training includes review of "CMSA's Integrated Case Management Manual: For Case Managers by Case Managers," online learning sessions, self-study activities to prepare for virtual Face-to-Face Training, and interactive practical application in a highly interactive setting.
Do you need Continuing Education credits? Have you checked out our vast range of topics from Opioid Abuse to Workman's Comp to Discharge? Within the Education Resource Library on, members have access to dozens of conference sessions plus more than 40 credit hours are available for Social Work!  Log in and see what is available...