CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter
Special Announcement

Here’s What’s Happening at CMSA – A Sneak Peek at Current Projects

As CMSA strives to support our members and elevate their ability to affect positive health outcomes, a renewed focus has been placed on delivering new and unique education and resources. Here’s a sneak peek at what is being worked on behind the scenes at CMSA:

New! CMSA Bootcamp: As we look at the profession of case management and those in the early years of their career (0-5 years of experience) or looking to shift to another setting, a need for hands-on, practical experience was identified. A first-of-its-kind CM Bootcamp program is currently in development to offer this type of experience and practice.

Updated! CMSA Standards of Professional Case Management: These foundational guiding principles of the profession are undergoing a thorough review and update.

New! CMSA Case Load Calculator: The need to determine appropriate caseloads based on several factors such as patient level of complexity, time needed to address the needs of patients, and other organizational responsibilities has been on the wish list for ages. An algorithm is in the process of being built to help shape workloads with realistic expectations.

Updated! CMSA Opioid Use Disorder Case Management Guide:  Assistance with the assessment, care planning and intervention of opioid abuse continues to be a need. Expect a complete update, including an expanded section on treatment for the new version coming soon!

New & Updated! CMSA’s Integrated Care Management Research Project: This well-adopted approach to assessing and treating complex patients is getting put to the test. CMSA is partnering with organizations to conduct a research project to validate and track outcomes when applying the ICM approach to care.

Keep an eye out for more information on these, and many other new and updated resources from CMSA. Contact with questions or to find out more.


CMSA Offers An Experience Like None Other!

Join us in June for an Interactive Virtual Annual Conference

The 2021 CMSA Virtual Conference will bring attendees from across the country together for a one-of-a-kind engaging event. Our virtual planning task force has been hard at work and is excited to bring unique networking opportunities to our attendees. Expect the high-level education and informational best practices you’ve come to expect from CMSA, along with expanded networking opportunities with case managers facing the same challenges and solutions you are! This is all brought to you for a significantly reduced registration rate. Where else can you have access to 60+ hours of live and recorded sessions (available through August 31st!) designed to keep you up-to-date on current and emerging trends in the industry? View the full conference schedule and register today!

Kindred Healthcare, Inc.
Member Announcements
Our member benefits just keep growing and so do the ranks of our excellent members!



Check out our new Find A Chapter feature on! 

Now you can easily find your nearest CMSA chapter.
Simply enter an address or ZIP Code in the search field to find a CMSA chapter near you!

Go ahead, explore...



Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Publication Portal
Pat Stricker, RN, MEd

Congratulations to all our Social Work Case Managers! 

March 16 was World Social Work Day and the month of March is dedicated to celebrating the Social Work profession!

The theme for Social Work Month 2021, as identified by the National Association of Social Workers is “Social Workers Are Essential.” That is definitely true this year (and last) during the pandemic. Social workers were essential workers, just like the physicians, nurses and other clinical care providers who worked as valued members of the care team. It would have been difficult to manage the overwhelming numbers of critically ill patients without the assistance of social workers. In some instances, social workers who worked in ICU or COVID-19 units took on immense workloads, handling...
Chapter Connection
The past year has created unique and unprecedented challenges. We asked CMSA of the Chesapeake to tell us how they've managed to stay connected, utilize their existing resources in new ways, and find the silver linings!
Calendar of Events
Mar 2021
Submissions can be made through March 21st
Mar 2021
Apr 2021
Open NOW - April 11th
Apr 2021
Submit nominations for the CMSA Foundation's Board of Directors through April 15th
May 2021
CMSA member discount
Jun 2021
We've Gone Virtual: Register Now!
Thank You

As of March 10, 2021


CMSA is excited to share the return of the Case Management Resource Toolbox! 

We are asking our members to share your best resources with your fellow members to build an online tool accessible on CMSA’s website.

The online Toolbox will grow as fast as content is sent in. CMSA and the Education Committee will keep you posted on the growth and availability of the Case Management Resource Toolbox.

We all need help now and then with finding care and services. Let’s support each other and share what we know to be good and reliable resources. 


Are you looking for improved outcomes for the most vulnerable and complex populations?

CMSA’s Integrated Case Management Model may be the solution.

Integrated Case Management teaches case managers to assess four domains of health equally and systematically for risk. 

Registration for the spring training session is open.

Earn 30 CEs in Nursing, Social Work, and CCM with self-study and virtual, instructor-led training.

Virtual Training is scheduled for May 4-6, 2021.



Webinar: March 31st

Reducing Readmissions through Evidence-based Initiatives - An Overview

Earn 1 Hr CE for RN and CCM

Case managers do their best to coordinate appropriate post-discharge care, but how do they determine which patient may be at risk for a readmission? 

In this presentation, learn how one organization utilized “big data” from thousands of clinical records to develop an evidence-based algorithm to help identify patients at risk for readmission in the days following discharge. Learn about their “playbook” and what interventions the interdisciplinary team implements for the patients at risk for readmission and how they address both clinical and non-clinical causes of readmissions.