CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter
Special Announcement


Registered for Conference or thinking about joining us for the CMSA Virtual Annual Conference, June 7-10, 2021? Here are a few fun ways we will be connecting and networking during the week:

Chat directly with attendees from across the globe through the conference attendee search in the Conference Hall Platform.

Visit with Conference Exhibitors and drop your virtual business card, live chat with a company rep or leave your questions/comments in the discussion forum.

Join the Roundtable Discussions that will bring together facilitators and like-minded individuals to share expertise and ask questions.

Join in on the fun at the Opening Reception event to celebrate our Case Manager Heroes or at the virtual Cocktail Hour, where you can up your cocktail/mocktail game!

Start each day with yoga, Pilates or mindfulness to expand your physical and mental well-being!

Plan your virtual schedule and build your own personal agenda by pinning sessions of interest from the many educational sessions.

Access over 60 CEs available presented live June 7-10, and on-demand through August 31st!

Make the Most of #CMSA2021

RN Patient Advocates
Improve Outcomes: Key Post-Acute Trends in 2022
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.®
Succeed in 2022 by knowing these 4 key healthcare trends and how post-acute care partnership can help improve outcomes.  As healthcare demands shift, due to demographic changes and the COVID-19 pandemic, post-acute care providers can support payers and providers in responding to needs in the New Year and beyond.
View Trends
Member Announcements
CMSA Members set the standards for case management across the care continuum. We are thrilled to have this large group of outstanding new members join us in our efforts to facilitate the growth and development of professional case managers, promote high quality, ethical practice benefitting patients and their families, and strive for improved health outcomes. Welcome!
Publication Portal
By Pat Stricker, RN, MEd

Are you ready to attend the CMSA 2021 Virtual Conference - “Staking a Claim in the New World”?  It is coming in just two and a half weeks – June 7-10.  Are you registered?

The theme this year focuses on making professionalism a career priority - highlighting professional development, continuing education, certification, outreach and support, the importance of mentoring, talent pipelines for nurses and social workers, cultural diversity among case management professionals, and demonstrating the value and sustainability of case management.

Keep reading to learn about the unparalleled educational opportunities, exciting keynote speakers, roundtable networking sessions, expo hall giveaways, how to build your personal conference schedule, and much, much more!
Chapter Connection
CMSA-NYC is the official chapter for Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island and represents nurses, social workers, and allied healthcare professional dedicated to the practice of case management.

With over 250 members, CMSA-NYC sponsors membership meetings with educational presentations and networking opportunities, enabling their members to network, have fun, while growing both professionally and personally. They have an elected Board of Directors and five working committees: Membership, Education, Sponsor Procurement, Technology, and Public Policy.

CMSA National asked members of CMSA-NYC leadership to highlight their successes in the face of pandemic turmoil this past year.
Congratulations to CMSA CHICAGO for being named a Telligen QI Connect™ Community Quality Champion!

Recipients of this inaugural Telligen QI Connect™ award utilized their relationships to recruit individuals and partner organizations to join together to focus on the most challenging issues facing us all today in this time of COVID-19 and beyond: opioid misuse, increasing access to behavioral health services, ensuring smooth patient transitions with changes in level of care, patient safety, chronic disease prevention and self-care, and nursing home quality. 

CMSA Chicago is also working toward important legislation passage in Illinois.
Calendar of Events
Jun 2021
Pre-Conference and MVD Day
Jun 2021
60+ CEs, Roundtable Networking Sessions, Posters, Exhibit Hall, and much more!
Jun 2021
60+ CEs, Roundtable Networking Sessions, Posters, Exhibit Hall, and much more!
Jun 2021
60+ CEs, Roundtable Networking Sessions, Posters, Exhibit Hall, and much more!
Aug 2021
Earn all the CEs from conference on your own schedule through August 31st.
Thank You

Over 60 CEs will be available for educational sessions and posters focused on the following topic tracks:
Acute Care
CMSA Chapter Leadership & Mentorship
Discipline-specific Case Management
End of Life Care
Health Disparity
Integrated Care Management
Long Term Care
Managed Care
Population Health or Community Health
Research/Process Improvement/Innovation
Workers’ Compensation
One Health Cluster of CityU’s College of Liberal and Social Sciences (CLASS) in Hong Kong held a virtual seminar themed “Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic through International Virtual Platform” on 7 May 2021. 
Melanie Prince, a veteran clinical case manager and the current President of the Case Management Society of America, presented “Challenges and Strategies to Maintain Fidelity When Providing Care to Older Adults Amidst of COVID-19 Pandemic.” She described the application of a six-step process in the care of older adults while navigating challenges produced by the pandemic. Challenges and solutions to managing technology, anecdotal innovations for care transitions during the pandemic and benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration were brought to the discussion.