CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter
Special Announcement

CMSA conducted a State of the Industry survey earlier this year. Knowing where we are as professionals practicing case management is essential to us and our industry partners. As we watch the healthcare landscape change, we must be prepared to adapt; knowing our strengths and challenges helps us prepare.

Case management professionals continue to age out, with 51 years being the average age of a case manager in the United States. Some growth occurred between 2019 and 2021 in the 40 and under age group, but certainly not enough to feel confident that the numbers will be adequate to fill the positions of those that will retire in the next 10 – 20 years. Over one-half of the respondents have been in the profession of healthcare for greater than 30 years. Training for case managers remains unstandardized, with most getting on-the-job training. Caseload assignments also remain varied, but the most frequently reported caseloads ranged from 11-30 patients.

Acuity and predictive modeling are tools to help determine patient complexity, but over 36% of respondents reported not using either of these tools. Of those that did measure acuity or complexity, 49% reported not using that data to assign caseloads. Another interesting finding was the lack of standardization and consistency in measuring case management effectiveness.

While this does not summarize the full scope of the survey, these issues should resonate with every case manager. Aging case managers will need to be replaced. Where and how will a diverse and capable workforce be recruited? Will there be adequate experienced case managers available to mentor those less experienced? Many professionals are not prepared for the shift in role and function; the demands most seasoned case managers consider of no consequence could overwhelm an unprepared professional.

The professionals practicing case management need to consider standardization in caseload assignments, determination of acuity or risk, and measurement of case management effectiveness using tools and methods. CMSA is working to provide support in caseload selection, but if acuity or risk are not measured, any instrument used to determine caseloads is likely to be ineffective.

Metrics are part of every healthcare professional’s role and function. Perhaps the thought of tracking more metrics makes everyone cringe, but how else is success measured? In addition, there are ways to utilize currently tracked metrics and case management-specific metrics that would demonstrate case management effectiveness.

These three areas are just a start to standardization in practice which moves case management to recognition as a profession. Standardization results in consistent outcomes that lead to credibility and strengthening our position in the healthcare team. CMSA will continue to examine data and findings from our practice to improve our progression toward recognition as a profession, career growth, and satisfaction, but we all must begin to have serious conversations about standardization in practice.

Improve Outcomes: Key Post-Acute Trends in 2022
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.®
Succeed in 2022 by knowing these 4 key healthcare trends and how post-acute care partnership can help improve outcomes.  As healthcare demands shift, due to demographic changes and the COVID-19 pandemic, post-acute care providers can support payers and providers in responding to needs in the New Year and beyond.
View Trends
Member Announcements
You have taken your first step into the world of professional case management with the oldest and largest case management membership organization in the world and we're so glad you did!

The CMSA Career Center is an exclusive online resource for candidates in the case management profession.

The system offers employers an extensive resume database and powerful, user-friendly searching capabilities that allow you to find the candidates that you need to meet your organizations recruitment goals. Tap into CMSA’s connections or extend your reach into a network of healthcare organizations. Employers rely on the CMSA Career Center for full resume access, to create targeted job posts, gain access to several advertising enhancement opportunities, receive email notifications when new job seekers join with your criteria, and save by using their CMSA member discount. Job seekers: Create an account at no cost!

Explore your opportunities today!

 Complete the 2021 HIT Survey and be Eligible to Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

CMSA is currently sponsoring the 2021 Health Information Technology (IT) Survey, and we need your valuable insight.

The healthcare system as we know it today is undergoing rapid transformation. A major driver of change is the introduction of new health IT solutions that cover applications such as electronic health records, decision tools, patient engagement programs and care management software solutions.

The primary goal of this survey is to better understand how various health IT applications are impacting those that work in the field of medical management. This survey builds upon three earlier surveys starting in 2008. The results of this survey will be compared to the earlier survey results to help identify trends impacting the practice of case management, among other issues.

Thank you for participating in this important data-gathering effort!

Click here to begin (password to participate is: case management)

Publication Portal
By Pat Stricker, RN, MEd

While reviewing a list of months for national healthcare observances I noticed that August was designated as “National Immunization Awareness Month.” The purpose of each month’s observance is to educate people about the importance, benefits and need for the given topic. Typically the goal for August is to discuss the need for childhood vaccines as the children prepare to return to school. It is also a good time to remind adults about the vaccines they need, such as the annual flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, shingles vaccine, etc. However it is especially pertinent this month to discuss the need for the COVID-19 vaccine, given what is currently happening here in the United States – the lower than anticipated overall vaccination rate that is causing a significant rise in COVID cases and deaths.

Over the past year and a half, the world has been fighting a global pandemic against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This has been the worst pandemic of the century in terms of the number of people affected globally and the unprecedented loss of life...
Chapter Connection

Here are the final two CMSA Chapter Award Winners from the 2021 CMSA VIRTUAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE:


Over the course of the last several years, the Mid-Atlantic chapter of CMSA had many board discussions regarding the complexities of member communications, including the increased job demands of case managers resulting in less time to read numerous emails. Their conclusion? Consolidation was the key to support their members and provide the necessary outreach. In October of 2019, their chapter newsletter was introduced. This centralized communication grew to be especially crucial during 2020 as in-person events became impossible and organizations had to pivot quickly into virtual. Mid-Atlantic CMSA knows its members are its mission and the leaders continue their efforts to improve local member outreach and engagement.


In March of 2020, as a result of the burgeoning pandemic, six CMSA chapters came together seeking ways to continue to provide education and networking opportunities for their members. The Northern Regional Coalition of Chapters was formed. By partnering, the coalition chapters are able to present more robust and impactful webinars to their members. The creation of the coalition has not only resulted in enhanced education opportunities for their members but also boosted member and chapter relations, a crucial connection during the difficult times faced by essential workers over the past year and a half.

Calendar of Events
Aug 2021
Take full advantage of available CEs plus be sure to complete your evaluations!
Sep 2021
From webinars to conferences, CMSA Chapters have a lot going on in the coming weeks. Visit the CMSA calendar to learn more!
Sep 2021
Discuss common lifestyle diseases and how they impact people living with HIV plus tools that can be used to support PLWH as they age.
Oct 2021
October 10-16: A time to celebrate YOU, our field, and the progress we have made together.
Thank You



Tuesday, September 21st, 12pm CT

People living with HIV (PLWH) are living longer than ever before. Advances in antiretroviral therapy have helped to significantly increase the life expectancy of PLWH in recent years. The priorities of addressing the needs of PLWH has shifted from increasing their life expectancy to improving their quality of life.

So how can we support PLWH as they age?

In this webinar, we will discuss common lifestyle diseases and how they impact people living with HIV. We will also discuss tools that can be used to support PLWH as they age.

CE's:  1 Hr RN, CCM, and SW




"This issue has a variety of articles to influence your mindset around the concepts of quality, measures, standards and social determinants of health. Even if you are familiar with these concepts, I encourage you to read about the excellent work that is occurring in the profession of case management. I also encourage you to pause…reset if necessary…and take stock of how you are organizing your work, how you play and live your life. Take measure of yourself and the world around you!" 

Melanie A. Prince, MSN, BSN, NE-BC, CCM, FAAN

CMSA President