CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter
Special Announcement

As you make your plans to join us June 1-4 for the 2022 CMSA Annual Conference and Expo in Orlando, Florida, add on a very special Pre-Conference Session: CM Boot Camp.

Case management is a growing health care profession, with a presence in every health delivery setting. Professionals moving to case management positions may or may not have access to adequate orientation and training. They often "learn on the job" and are not exposed to knowledge and skills that advance the practice of case management.

CMSA is filling this gap with a CM Boot Camp offering for case managers looking to build their skills and experience. If you have been a case manager for five years or less, are looking to change your area of practice, or advance your professional growth, this course is for you!

CM Boot Camp is NOT hours of PowerPoint slides and lectures, but interactive exercises, activities and case studies that will provide real-life scenarios and practical application. You will leave this course prepared to take on new challenges with full confidence.

This course is not included in the general conference registration; additional registration and fee are required. Find out more at

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
ACO REACH: Reducing Costs for Medically Complex Patients
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.®
The latest innovation in care delivery, ACO REACH, aims to provide cost-effective care for underserved populations, including medically complex patients. LTACHs, which specialize in treating critically and chronically ill patients, are key provider partners that can help improve care equity, efficiency, and quality for those with complex conditions.

View Infographic
Member Announcements
We are so glad you've joined our case management community, where you will find support from your peers and a team dedicated to promoting the practice of case management. Free CEs, in-depth training, downloadable documents, professional publications, leadership and networking opportunties are just the beginning!
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.
Publication Portal
By Pat Stricker, RN, MEd, Former Senior Vice President, TCS Healthcare Technologies

The COVID-19 pandemic caused numerous challenges for healthcare workers: chaos in work processes and procedures; lowered staff morale; increased, unrealistic workloads; long hours and increased weekly work hours; a feeling of a lack of respect and autonomy, and the feeling of despair in not being able to do enough to “save” their patients. The overwhelming loss of life was devastating and adding all these events together led to staff burnout and employees deciding they needed to leave their jobs.
Chapter Connection

When in-person meetings came to a halt during the pandemic, chapter engagement seemed impossible. In response, seven Northeastern CMSA chapters partnered together to form a coalition with the aim to provide quality events and, hopefully, some normalcy to their members and colleagues. By pooling their resources, they have been able to provide virtual events to their members with a level of engagement that has surpassed all expectations.

The Coalition has also strengthened camaraderie among chapter leaders and increased their level of experience and expertise. Members from across the country look forward attending their monthly events. Educational events and networking with like-minded professionals are some of the most coveted benefits of CMSA membership.

Congratulations to the CMSA Northeastern Regional Coalition!

Visit to learn more about the Coalition and their activities. Find your local chapter and get involved today – we are stronger together!

Calendar of Events
Mar 2022
This presentation will help attendees develop a toolkit for advanced care planning with patients and their families. 1 hr RN, CCM, and SW; FREE to CMSA Members!
Mar 2022
Can the power of the microbiome be unlocked to break the cycle of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI)? Register today and find out! (No CEs available for this session)
Apr 2022
From workshops to conferences, CMSA Chapters have a lot going on in the coming months. Visit the CMSA Events Calendar to learn more!
Jun 2022
Register now! 2022 CMSA Annual Conference, June 1st-4th in Orlando, FL
Thank You


Case managers are often in the position to assist in meeting the needs of the patient and are the bridge between the healthcare provider and the patient and their families. This presentation will help the attendees to develop a toolkit for advanced care planning with patients and their families.

CMSA Members: FREE

Non-Members: $40

1 hr RN, CCM, and SW

March 29th, 12PM Eastern


The Power of the Microbiome: Can it be unlocked to break the cycle of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI)?

Teena Chopra, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA, FSHEA will answer all aspects of this question from understanding the role of the microbiome in overall health to evaluating the current management of CDI and the potential of microbiome-based therapeutics.

FREE to all.

No CEs available.

March 30th, 6PM Eastern