In This Issue:
 The Integrated Case Management (ICM) training program allows case managers coming from either medical or mental health backgrounds to transition to a holistic assessment and assistance approach that allows them to help patients with barriers to improvement in any complexity domain from case management initiation to graduation.
The fall program begins on October 10; register today!
 The deadline for 2013 conference presentation submissions has been extended to Friday, Sepember 21! CMSA is committed to creating the best conference with an assemblage of the highest quality speakers and experts in the health care arena. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for CMSA's 2013 conference in New Orleans, La., June 25-28, 2013, visit to enter your submission.
Interested in a Symposium? Please contact Shelly Greenwood at to discuss details regarding the various symposia times available.
 National Case Management Week 2012 is October 14-20!
For your CM Week activities, consider banquets and recognition dinners, state and city proclamations, and continuing education seminars. And, honor the other case managers in your life with gifts, dinners, or flowers to show your appreciation!
 The National Transitions of Care Coalition (NTOCC) hosts the 2012 Transitions of Care Summits in Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, D.C., this fall. These events bring together health care professionals, patient and caregiver advocates, and NTOCC thought leaders to raise awareness about the challenges of poor transitions, discuss effective solutions, and highlight emerging resources.
CMSA Members: Register by September 21 to take $20 off each Summit registration! No discount code necessary.
 Enthusiastic, energetic, passionate, and dedicated – does this describe you? Are you committed to the advancement of the case management profession? Are you one who is not afraid to "step up to the plate" and make things happen? If so, then you may want to seriously consider running for a position on CMSA’s National Board of Directors!
The nominations period is open now through October 31, 2012. Learn more at the link below.
 Join CMSA President Nancy Skinner to discuss current activities with CMSA and member benefit updates.
Use this time to ask questions and interact with your association President on CMSA hot topics. This is a great way to stay connected to your association and understand how your association is supporting you. Non-members are welcome to listen in. Register today!
 Pat Stricker, RN, MEd
Senior Vice President
TCS Healthcare Technologies
Today, more than ever, case managers face enormous challenges when it comes to understanding how the various health information technology (HIT) options affect care management, as well as how the rapid transformations in the health care industry will impact their daily routines.
 Caregiver resources are available on These resources provide insights about choosing a drug plan, selecting a hospital, finding local support and care options, and more. And be sure to remind caregivers that many Medicare preventive services are available to their loved one with no co-pay, like an annual wellness visit, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. It’s just another way you can help caregivers.
Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Enrollment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) program is projected to increase by 11 percent in the next year and premiums will remain steady, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced. Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, Medicare Advantage premiums have fallen by 10 percent and enrollment has risen by 28 percent.
Seven regions will test unique investment in coordinated care
Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
In support of more effective, more affordable, higher quality health care, 500 primary care practices in seven regions have been selected to participate in a new partnership between payers from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), state Medicaid agencies, commercial health plans, self-insured businesses, and primary care providers. This partnership is designed to provide improved access to quality health care at lower costs.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on September 17 announced a demonstration of the standards to allow sensitive health information to be shared responsibly and to comply with confidentiality laws and regulations among providers using electronic health records (EHRs). The demonstration also showed how sensitive information can be tagged so that when it is sent to another provider with the patient’s permission, the receiving provider will know that they need to obtain the patient’s authorization to further disclose the information with others.
 Through a joint collaboration, CMSA and ABQAURP have created a sub-specialty certification for Transitions of Care (TOC) as part of the specialized credentials available through ABQAURP’s Health Care Quality Management Board Certification (HCQM). Created to recognize the importance of TOC, this credential is the first one to support professionals – as a team and individually – who demonstrate competence and skills in providing the key elements of TOC.
For additional details about the certification and the available sub-specialties, visit
CMSA Members: Receive a 10% discount on the HCQM board exam with promo code CMSAEXAM.
 World Congress has several live health care events coming up. Members can save $200 on current rates for each event by entering the code CMSA200 during the registration process!
The 2nd Annual Leadership Summit on Shared Decision Making
September 20-21, 2012 | Newton, Mass. | More info
The Leadership Summit on Emergency Department Observation Revenue
October 25-26, 2012 | Las Vegas, Nev. | More info
Discount not valid on gov’t registrations, cannot be combined with any other offers, cannot be used toward a previous registration.
 On October 2-5, 2012, in Orlando, Fla., the HealthSciences Institute and PartnersinImprovement Alliance is hosting the first national training conference on motivational interviewing (MI) in health care.
The conference is designed for members of the interdisciplinary care team, including case managers, in a variety of practice settings. The CCP program and MI workshop fulfill two core training requirements for the Registered Health Coach® credential and National Health Coach Registry® Listing.
Meeting Patient Demand While Reducing Costs and Reducing Readmissions
October 10-12, 2012, Buffalo, N.Y.
Join Current Advantage for a three-day conference and workshop on collaborative diabetes care. Key sessions include:
-Meeting The "New" Endocrine Society Guidelines For The Management Of Inpatient Hyperglycemia
-Guidelines To Effectively Manage Peri Operative Glycemic Management
-Accountable Care: Preparing For Population Health Management And Value Based Reimbursement
For more information and to register, contact Gia Bosch at 414-255-9525 or
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