Sept. 28-29
Board of Directors Meeting
Hyatt Regency
Monterey, CA
Oct. 2
18th Annual Tri-District Golf Tournament
Benefiting PAPCO
Coyote Hills Golf Course
Fullerton, CA
Dec. 7-8
Board of Directors Meeting
Hilton Palm Springs
Palm Springs, CA
March 22-23
Board of Directors Meeting
Grand California Resort
Anaheim, CA
April 23-24
Legislative Days
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Sacramento, CA
May 30-31
Leadership Academy
Catamaran Resort Hotel
San Diego, CA
June 27-29
PCOC Expo 2013
Hyatt Vineyard Creek Hotel
Santa Rosa, CA
Sept. 27-28
Board of Directors Meeting
Catamaran Resort Hotel
San Diego, CA
Dec. 6-7
Board of Directors Meeting
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel
San Francisco, CA