By Dan Prechtl
PCOC Ethics Committee Chair

This is one in a series that will periodically appear in PCOC Newsbriefs. We will discuss some topics that affect all of us some of the time and some of us virtually all of the time.

We are faced with difficult business decisions every single day. Sometimes we are placed in a compromising situation where we know what the right thing to do is but we sometimes steer off course because it's the right thing to do from a financial standpoint. We rationalize and justify our action, because let's face it, one of the first items we're taught is to be a smart business person while maximizing profits. Unfortunately a small number of companies have the "profits above all else" mentality, which sometimes puts them in a quandary.

One of the issues that we've got word about, is the solicitation of employees at PCOC functions. We can periodically remind our members at our local monthly district meetings and outside PCOC functions that it's not cool to directly solicit other companies' employees.

It's a challenge we all face, finding and maintaining that quality individual for our company. We spend time and money training them to be what we want them to be. We groom him or her to aspire to attain the highest level of customer satisfaction.

After all, isn't that what we all want for our business, "the highest customer satisfaction levels from each and everyone of our clients?"

I know Martyn recently covered this topic in last quarter's magazine, but it's worth mentioning again, Here is the PCOC "Code of Ethics":

As a member of the Pest Control Operators of California, it shall be the duty of each member firm:

- To support the Association to the best of their ability in all of its programs and endeavors;

- To abide by the Association's Bylaws;

- To deal honestly and fairly with the general public in advertising and all business transactions, thereby enhancing our industry's stature;

- To render pest control service in a safe and efficient manner with due consideration for its possible side effects on the environment;

- To respect the reputation and practice of other pest control operator, but to expose to the Association, without hesitation, illegal or unethical conduct of other member firms;

- To constantly strive for proficiency in our services and business practices;

- To cooperate with our fellow industry members in the exchange of knowledge for the benefit of our industry and public it serves.

PCOC is supportive of companies that compete fairly; it has a long tradition of fostering the highest principles of its members while always encouraging companies and business owners to "do the right thing." It really is the essence of what we are as members of PCOC!