October 2015

The Workplace Safety Gender Gap
According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of fatal work injuries among women rose 12.5 percent in 2014. Still, only 8 percent of all fatal occupational injuries involved women. As in prior years, men accounted for 92 percent of all fatal occupational injuries.

Why is that? First, many of the most dangerous occupations, including roofing and construction, are dominated by men. Women who work in those industries often work in clerical or other less risky positions.
Men also account for more traffic fatalities. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that transportation accidents continued to lead the causes of workplace fatalities in 2014. Transportation injuries accounted for 40 percent of fatal workplace fatalities. The majority of these fatalities were caused on roadways involving motorized land vehicles.
Men tend to account for more driving-related accidents in general, whether work-related or not. Employers can help address this risk by providing driver safety courses and encouraging all employees to attend and by screening anyone who will drive on the job for their driver safety records. For further assistance in improving safety at your worksite, please contact the Programs Department at EPIC, Edgewood Partners Insurance Center, at (800) 234-6363 or visit epicbrokers.com

What Safety Regulations Apply to Your Business?

When it comes to workplace safety, ignorance is no defense. OSHA safety and health regulations often apply to all businesses, regardless of size.
If you’re not sure of which regulations apply to your business, OSHA provides some resources. It has created a Web-based step-by-step guide to help small employers identify some of the regulations that might apply to them. You can find this OSHA Compliance Assistance Quick Start at https://www.osha.gov/dcsp/compliance_assistance/quickstarts/index.html.

OSHA also offers employers an on-site consultation service. Trained state government staff will visit your site and provide free advice. The service is completely separate from any enforcement programs that OSHA operates, and is entirely confidential. Sessions identify and uncover potential workplace hazards and are intended to help small business owners improve their workplace safety and health systems.
If that isn’t sufficient incentive, then this might be — you could qualify for a one-year exemption from routine OSHA inspections if you participate! Find out more at https://www.osha.gov/dcsp/smallbusiness/consult.html.
For more information or assistance with safety and compliance issues, please contact the PCOC Insurance Program Department at EPIC, (877) 860-7378 or visit www.pcocinsurance.com.