April 2017
Member News
Happy Spring! As I get closer to ending my first year at PCOC, I look back at the many people I have met on my journey. I would like to thank the districts for welcoming me at their meetings and allowing me to introduce the many new and exciting changes at PCOC! I have learned about so many aspects of this industry, from bed bugs to fumigation to the reproductive system of termites. My goal with membership is not only to continue increase our numbers, but to bring more benefits and educational opportunities to our members. If you have any ideas on a benefit that you would like to receive, please contact me. We will also be bringing back our membership referral contest in July and it will run through May 30, 2018. Information will be sent with your renewal notices. First and second place prizes will be awarded at Expo 2018. I also look forward to working with you to on our community service day in October. This will be a first-time event for PCOC and I hope that it will continue year after year. Details will be shared soon. Our membership is only as strong as our numbers! Let’s continue to grow! Karen Grenz Chief Executive Officer's Notes
Thanks to all of you who attended the recent PCOC Legislative Days in Sacramento. It was one of the largest turnouts we’ve ever had and we look forward to an even larger turnout in the years to come. Because of the introduction of the rodenticide bill once again, it was clear that our membership was motivated to communicate with their elected representatives. This is single most important event we host every year and your willingness to walk the halls of the Capitol to help educate our elected officials on our key issues is essential. A special thank you goes out to all those who made this a successful event, particularly our sponsors and PCOC Legislative Chair Jim Steed, whose knowledge and experience was key in putting this all together. Chris Reardon Upcoming Events
PCOC Expo 2017 – June 21-24, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting – September 22-23, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting – December 8-9, 2017
Affiliate Corner
Cade Global is an Import/Export, Sourcing and Brand Management Company. It is one of several companies owned by Steve Cade who has 36 years of International Business and Entrepreneurial experience and connections in numerous industries and countries. It is run by President, George Melendez, who is a recognized hands-on leader with a successful history of developing new strategies, products, and distribution channels. CAPMA Monthly Insurance/Safety Tip
How To Avoid and Prevent a Rear-End Collision Chris Gorham Loss Control Manager York Risk Control Christopher.Gorham@yorkrsg.com 916-738-9046
District News
April DIABLO VALLEY DISTRICT – April 25 @ 6:30 PM SAN FERNANDO VALLEY DISTRICT – April 26 @ 5:00 PM social & 6:00 PM dinner CENTRAL VALLEY DISTRICT – April 27 @ 4:00 PM BAY AREA DISTRICT – April 27 @ 7:00 PM May VINTAGE COASTAL - May 4 @ 7:00 PM SHASTA - May 9 @ 4:00 PM SAN DIEGO - May 9 @ 5:30 PM MID CAL - May 11 @ 4:00 PM (class) 5:00 (dinner) ORANGE COUNTY - May 11 @ 6:00 PM SOUTHERN VALLEY - May 11 @ 6:30 PM SAN GABRIEL - May 16 @ 6:30 PM BIG VALLEY - May 17 @ 4:00 PM MONTEREY - May 17 @ 6:00 pm VENTURA - May 17 @ 7:00 PM SANTA BARBARA - May 18 @ 6:30 PM Legislative Update
This Wednesday, legislation was introduced in the U.S. Senate (S. 340) and U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 953) that would clarify that federal law does not require the redundant and unfairly burdensome NPDES permits for already regulated pesticide applications. Click Here to Urge Your Elected Officials to Pass Legislation Eliminating Unnecessary NPDES Permits
Comings & Goings
Update on Baby Luke's FundraisierThe following message is from Steve Racioppe with the update on the Fundraisier that Geotech put on for the Oberlin/McDonald family last month: I wanted to extend my sincere thanks to each of you for your generous contribution to the Baby Luke luncheon that we had here on Friday {March 24}. Through your generosity, we were able to raise $7,435 to present to the Oberlin family to help with offsetting some of their unplanned expenses during this difficult time. Our prayers are with Baby Luke and the Oberlin/McDonald family. We truly appreciate all you do for us and the outpouring of support on such short notice was phenomenal. Thanks again for supporting this extremely worthy cause. Regards, Steve Racioppe
New Members
PCOC Leadership Lens
Assist Us in Keeping Rodenticides in the Hands of Professionals: Take the PCOC/NPMA Rodenticide Stewardship Training Course and Earn CEUs Commensal rodents are among the most significant public health pests that transmit disease, contaminate foods and damage infrastructure. Because of the substantial risk that rodents pose to our health and safety, their control is essential. Second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) are an advanced and indispensable tool that provides quick and complete management of rodent populations. SGARs require educated and trained professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to apply these products. In an effort to mitigate rodenticide exposure to non-target wildlife, the State of California strictly limited the use of SGARs to professionals only. To further our industry’s dedication to stewardship of rodenticides, the Pest Control Operators of California and the National Pest Management Association have teamed up to develop a two-part training course. This 60-minute course focuses on strategies and methods that will instill knowledge above and beyond state and federal educational requirements for the handling and application of rodenticides. Instructional topics include the importance of rodent management, commensal rodent biology and behavior, integrated rodent management, and the safe handling and application of anticoagulant rodenticides. To access this training, click here. Frequently Requested Information
Frequently Asked For Websites
Department of Food & Agriculture California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) DPR on Facebook DPR on YouTube (see "playlists" for videos pertaining to new surface water regulations) DPR on Twitter DPR LinkedIn Healthy Schools Act Structural Pest Control Board Find Your Legislator |