Supply Chain Monthly
Current News
By Rick D. Blasgen, President and CEO, CSCMP
CSCMP's EDGE Supply Chain Conference kicked off it's 57th annual event on Sunday, September 15. This conference is the largest of its kind in our discipline, and draws more than 3,000 supply chain professionals from around the globe.
EDGE 2019 is an invaluable forum for developing the kinds of collaborative relationships that are key to successful supply chains in the new economy. That’s why CSCMP created a variety of unsurpassed networking opportunities where EDGE attendees will be able to build and expand their professional networks.
CSCMP believes that education is the foundation of continuous improvement. We are confident that events like the EDGE Conference and local CSCMP Roundtables provide broader and deeper visions of the profession; the opportunity to participate in relevant learning programs and networking activities; and the inspiration to enhance your personal and organizational development.
A special thank you to contributor Noël Perry of a rare economistic who specializes in transportation. 
Are we headed for a recession? Many leading indicators point to ‘yes’. In this article, Chief Economist, Noel Perry, looks at six of the reason a recession is likely, some potential good news, and what happens if there is no recession.
Thank you Joshua Berg of Cybeta for contributing this Hot Topic.
In an increasingly interconnected world, it is more important than ever to evaluate the digital resiliency of an enterprise – the capability to withstand and operate right through a cyber threat or a verified incident. Digital resilience processes ensure that an organization’s infrastructure and services can operate with minimal disruption during a cyber threat or incident. Unfortunately, modern digital networks are rarely built with resilience in mind.
This year at EDGE, all three Wednesday MEGA Sessions, will be livestreamed. Check out it and experience EDGE 2019 from your home of office!  MEGA Sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 8:30 AM PST.
Leveraging Talent to Innovate, Disrupt and Scale Your Supply Chain powered by AWESOME
Sponsored by DHL Supply Chain
New technologies and the digitization of businesses present significant challenges and opportunities. Acquiring, retaining, developing and advancing talent is now a business imperative. This outstanding group of experts and executives will share research insights and practical strategies on how to leverage supply chain talent for future success.
The Top 5 FAQ's About 5G
Sponsored by Burris Logistics
The race for 5G is speeding up, and the time for answers regarding the technology advance is now. The panel will address five frequently asked questions surrounding the move to 5G: What is 5G? What are the main obstacles to widely available 5G? How will 5G affect existing services? Is 5G secure? What's the deal with Huawei and why does it matter?
The Cost of Clean Air: Complying with the IMO 2020 Sulfur Cap
Sponsored by SVT
The new IMO regulation reducing ships' sulfur oxide emissions aims to improve the health of the environment and human population, especially near coasts and ports. This also means increased costs and a shift in strategies for maritime shippers. Explore the options offered by the new regulations and their predicted effect on logistics.
IBM releases a webinar conducted by Chloe Chang, IBM's Offering Manager for IBM Inventory Visibility, via CSCMPTV.
Don’t lose another sale to unavailable or inaccurate inventory data. Discover how IBM Inventory Visibility allows you to say “yes” to customers more often by providing a single, scalable, real-time view of inventory across disparate systems and silos.
Chloe's experience covers IBM Order Management Business User Controls and an earlier role as Product Manager for IBM’s Inventory Visibility solution. She’s a graduate of the NYU Stern School of Business and previously worked at Deloitte as a business technology consultant.
Logistics Services (Panama) S.A.
CSCMP Awards and Recognition
Loving EDGE 2019? Full of ideas? Now is your chance to join the EDGE 2020 volunteer team!*
EDGE Track Chairs build and organize the educational sessions that make EDGE a valuable source of innovations and ideas. Each track (C-Level Discussions, Transportation and Logistics, Technology and Innovations, etc.) is built by a dedicated CSCMP member volunteer who selects topic ideas and sources talented speakers that engage, excite and educate EDGE attendees. If you are at EDGE right now, ask a Track Chair about their experience.
Apply by Oct. 1, 2019 and let us know how you would take EDGE content to the next level!
Please note, this is an important role that requires time and commitment—serious applicants only please!
*EDGE Track Chairs must be CSCMP members at time of selection. Applicants must have attended at least two EDGE conferences by October 1st in order to be eligible.
Are you a motivated supply chain practitioner—age 32 or under—ready to expand your career horizons and join a key committee within the industry's leading professional organization? CSCMP's Young Professionals Committee is looking for five supply chain professionals to join the team as members at large to help drive action and produce results.
To be considered, you must be an active CSCMP member in good standing as of Sept. 3, 2019, and have shown a demonstrated commitment to CSCMP (Roundtable participant, EDGE Conference attendee, etc.).
To apply, complete the application form by Oct. 1, 2019, 12:00 AM CST and you will receive a phone call from a committee member to discuss your application. 
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) presents several awards at the annual EDGE Conference. The following recipients were announced on Monday and Tuesday during the general sessions.
The 2019 Inductees into CSCMP's Supply Chain Hall of Fame:
> James Casey, founder and former chairman of UPS
> Elizabeth Dole, politician, author and the first woman appointed Secretary of Transportation
> Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, author, philosopher and business leader who developed The Theory of Constraints
> George Raymond Sr., inventor of the wooden pallet and pallet jack
> Kathy Wengel, the 2019 CSCMP Distinguished Service Award winner
The Doctoral Dissertation Award was given to Dr. Maximilian Merath for his dissertation titled: “Decision Making in Supply Risk and Supply Disruption Management.”
The 2019 Teaching Innovation Award was presented to Dr. Stephen Rutner of Texas Tech University, Dr. Rebecca Scott of the University of North Carolina – Wilmington, and Dr. Jeffery Harper of Texas Tech University for their submission titled: “Revisiting Promoting the Value of Supply Chain Management to Future Business Leaders. 
The Bernard J. LaLonde Best Paper Award was awarded to Matthew A. Schwieterman, Thomas J. Goldsby, Keely L. Croxton for their paper, “Customer and Supplier Portfolios: Can Credit Risks be Managed Through Supply Chain Relationships?”
The 2019 E. Grosvenor Plowman Award was presented to Dr. Alex Scott of Michigan State University, Dr. Andrew Balthrop of University of Arkansas, and Dr. Jason Miller of Michigan State University for their paper titled, “Did the Electronic Logging Device Mandate Reduce Accidents?” during CSCMP's Academic Research Symposium on Sept. 15, 2019 in Anaheim, California.
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CSCMP’s Mentorship Program* is back for the 2019-2020 edition. The mentorship program is designed to foster knowledge and connection through learning partnerships. Developed by CSCMP's Young Professionals Committee, the program helps to evolve and bridge future supply chain leaders from one generation to the next.
Whether you’re looking to learn critical knowledge and skills to advance your career, or you are seeking to share your expertise and strengthen your leadership skills, apply to participate! The YPC will review your application and try to find the match that best fits your criteria. The application period is open from Aug. 26 – Sept. 30, 2019. The program will launch October 2019 and last through the end of March 2020.
Thank you Brian Straight for this FreightWaves article discussing the CSCMP's new Townhall Series at EDGE.
Discussions around the “Uberization of freight” and changing last-mile demands have permeated the freight industries in recent years. But what do these terms really mean, and how are they altering the supply chain?
This is a major theme of the first-ever Townhall Series at the upcoming Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) EDGE 2019 conference. The conference, being held this year from September 15-18 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, offers leading-edge content and cutting-edge supply chain solutions. The Townhall Series has been designed to give attendees an opportunity to listen to, and ask questions of leading voices in the industry.
“For almost 60 years, CSCMP has brought thought leaders together to not only discuss advancing the discipline, but what we can do by working together across the supply chain. This series is intended to create an opportunity for our community to hear from those who are taking action to not only deliver customer expectations, but to do it using the tools, technology, and of course the people to make it happen every day,” explained Rick Blasgen, CSCMP president and CEO.
The CSCMP EDGE 2019 conference is presented by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. You can register for this year’s conference on the conference website and find more information on the Townhall Series and other panels, discussions and educational sessions at
CSCMP Corporate Memberships allow companies to provide access, insight and perspective to their entire team. Corporate members receive all the benefits of a Professional Membership, plus special pricing and exclusive services tailored to meet your specific needs and create value for your organization.
CSCMP & NASSTRAC Joint Membership
Join today and give your entire team access to members-only perks, networking opportunities, education and exposure for your entire organization. Your entire team needs to be aligned to deliver the best results. Give them access to today's trending supply chain management topics, strategies and best practices with a joint membership with CSCMP and NASSTRAC.
Training and Development
SCPro™ Level One: Cornerstones of Supply Chain Management
SCPro™ Level One is the only industry certification that covers the comprehensive supply chain, from end-to-end, and requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of the eight Cornerstones of Supply Chain Management via a multiple-choice exam. 
Professionals with an SCPro™ Level One designation demonstrate a solid foundation of knowledge in all the functions of supply chain management. Achieving SCPro™ Certification distinguishes candidates from their peers as supply chain experts with the breadth of knowledge to positively impact an organization. This introductory designation also demonstrates a clear commitment to growing one's supply chain expertise.  
Penn State Abington will be providing a SCPro™ Level One Certification Test Prep course this fall.  The course will be held in-person on Tuesday evenings for three hours per night beginning Sept. 24, 2019 through Dec. 3, 2019 at the Penn State Abington Campus.
SCPro™ Level One is the only industry certification that covers the comprehensive supply chain, from end-to-end, and requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of the eight Cornerstones of Supply Chain Management via a multiple-choice exam. Learn more and register….
Edge Conference
Thank you to CSCMP member, Robert Lieb for contributing. Previously published in Supply Chain Management Review and Modern Materials Handling.
While Donald Trump would lead you to believe the most serious threat to our national security is our southern border, it’s not. That threat arises from several increasingly important supply chain developments, our short national memory and a lack of enlightened public policy making. These developments include the continued focus on the development and operation of larger drones for possible commercial use, the expansion of e-commerce delivery lockers in public places by Amazon and other e-commerce companies, and the ongoing development of autonomous cars and trucks. The potential threat to national security posed by these new technologies, coupled with a lack of related intelligent public policy development, is increasingly putting the public at risk in terms of potential terrorist attacks.
This risk is compounded by the fact that the two federal agencies involved in developing policies to protect the public from such threats, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), seem either unaware of these risks or are unable to process that information and develop related security policies.
Once in a lifetime
For supply chain professionals, 2018 was a year unlike any other as they tried to navigate through tight transportation capacity and high rates. Now shippers and carriers alike are trying to dig their way out of the aftereffects and bring back a sense of normalcy.
Rate increases and capacity constraints were the name of the day across all segments of the logistics market last year. As a result, overall U.S. business logistics costs jumped 11.4% in 2018 to a total of $1.64 trillion, or 8.0% of the U.S.’s $20.5 trillion gross domestic product (GDP). (See Figure 1.)
In spite of early warning signals in 2017, many shippers were caught by surprise by the intense rate hikes. As a result, many major shippers—such as Kraft Heinz, General Mills, Whirlpool, and Coca-Cola—reported that they exceeded their supply chain budget spending in 2018 and that freight rates resulted in a negative impact on earnings. And for many logistics and supply chain professionals, 2018 (at least in terms of cost and capacity availability) was the most challenging year of their career—the equivalent of a 100-year flood.
So maybe the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ (CSCMP’s) “30th Annual State of Logistics Report,” presented by Penske Logistics, should come with a warning label. Written by the global management consulting firm A.T. Kearney, the report provides an overview of industry trends and U.S. business logistics costs of the past year as well as a review of macroeconomic factors affecting logistics costs, analysis of each major logistics sector, and insights from industry leaders.  All of this may make the report uncomfortable reading for those shippers who would rather not relive the past year. Indeed, Ken Braunbach, vice president of U.S. transportation at megaretailer Walmart, said that reading the report was like “watching a bad movie again.”
Naylor Association Solutions
Navigating today’s workforce and retaining talent is critical to the success of any supply chain operation.  Please join CSCMP and local supply chain leaders to hear from Brian Devine (SVP) from EmployBridge. Brian will discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with attracting and retaining talent such as the growing skills gap and how companies can take action to help close it, and addressing the real skill needs of workers versus the widely-discussed needs.  Brian will share the results of an extensive workforce survey to determine the scope and substance of course offerings available.
Date:               Nov. 14, 2019
Time:               11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Pricing:            Member Price: $30:00
                        NonMember Price: $40.00
Location:         Central Piedmont Harris Campus
                        3210 CPCC Harris Campus Drive
                        Charlotte, NC