WFSGI Publishes its Summer Horizon Scanning

WFSGI Publishes its Summer Edition of Horizon Scanning

WFSGI is pleased to share with you the Summer Edition 2023 of Horizon Scanning, a compilation of worldwide legal developments impacting the Sporting Goods Industry (SGI).

The WFSGI Horizon Scanning is a quarterly publication exclusively for WFSGI members aiming to provide them with an overview of recent regulatory changes impacting the industry worldwide.

The document lists applicable worldwide legal developments under diverse sections covering the topics of sustainability & corporate responsibility, trade & customs, digitization, product safety, competition law, standards, international federations and any other matters relevant to the Sporting Goods Industry.
The information included in this legal tracker comes from various sources, including WFSGI members, national and international sport associations/federations, specialized press, and the like.

Download the WFSGI Horizon Scanning Here


To get the most comprehensive picture of the upcoming challenges impacting our sector worldwide, we encourage any of you to share any type of information that you feel, could be relevant and useful for WFSGI members. Any additional comments from you, whether they are related to the structure or content, in an effort to improve the quality of the Horizon Scanning is always more than welcome! Contact Charlotte Giudicelli at