The 5th Wheel

Legislative Session Kicks Off

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Last week was the first full week of the Legislature back in session after being on break during the fall months.  For the staff in the building and those who work around it, it is often compared to as the first day of school.  It is typical to see people walking throughout the hallways asking about holidays and talking about the last couple of months. 

With 2018 being the second year of a two session, it also means that the Legislature jumps right into hearing bills with committees beginning almost immediately.  As with every year, there are always issues for CTA to track that would affect the goods movement industry.  

This year, CTA actively worked in opposition to AB 971/972 (Choi), which sought to increase penalties on all drivers, commercial or otherwise, who have items fall from their cars and also requires labeling of anything larger than 12 inches long or 5 lbs in any vehicle.  

AB 971/972 represented a vast over reach without taking into account any current regulations overseeing load securement.  CTA staff worked with the Assembly Transportation Committee to ensure the bill would not move forward in its current form.  You can see CTA’s letter here.

CTA will continue to update you as the legislative year progresses and more legislation affecting the industry is introduced. For any questions, feel free to contact Matt Roman at (916) 373-3570.


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