The 5th Wheel

Attention Carrier Members: Your Feedback is Needed for ATRI's Annual Operational Costs of Trucking Report

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ATRI has recently issued a call for motor carriers to participate in ATRI’s annual update to its Operational Costs of Trucking report.

ATRI’s annual Operational Costs of Trucking is now in its 11th year of collecting cost information derived directly from fleet operations and is among its most requested research reports. ATRI’s annual analysis provides carriers with a critical benchmarking tool. Government agencies utilize ATRI’s real-world data analysis to make better-informed transportation infrastructure investment decisions.

Among the for-hire fleet metrics being requested by ATRI are driver pay, fuel costs, insurance premiums and lease or purchase payments. Carriers are asked to provide full-year 2018 cost per mile and/or cost per hour data.

For-hire motor carriers are encouraged to provide operational cost data to ATRI by Friday, June 14, 2019.

Click here to for ATRI's data collection form 

The form protects all confidential information and participating motor carriers will receive an advanced copy of the full report.


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