Transportation Plan Released

This week, the Chairs of the Assembly and Senate Transportation Committees finally released their much anticipated transportation funding plan. The Frazier – Beall Transportation Funding Package represents the combined interests and priorities of the two transportation policy chairs.

The package is a $7.4 billion a year, comprehensive transportation funding package that addresses the needs across the transportation system, including highways, local streets, transit, bikes and pedestrians.  It includes all-important reforms to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of the funds. Although the plan has a lot to like in it, including an emphasis on highway goods movement projects and the return of the truck weight fee revenue, there is a substantial amount of tax and fee concerns that CTA will oppose. First, the plan calls for an increase in the vehicle license fee and the state registration fee which CTA opposes for commercial motor vehicles. Second, the plan calls for an increase of 3.5% in the diesel sales tax which would then be allocated for transit operations. CTA has long advocated for all diesel revenues to be utilized for roadway goods movement projects. 

CTA staff has developed excellent working relationships with both Chairs and will be coordinating our response to their package directly with their offices. It is unlikely that the package moves anywhere in the final two weeks of session, but could return for legislative review in the lame duck session after the election.