Webinar: Off Highway Fuel Usage Reporting

Off Highway Fuel Usage Reporting - A Closer Look
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Register Here
Did you know there are many types of jurisdictional refund processes available for fuel tax that a motor carrier can claim, such as for fuel consumed off highway? Manually recording and reporting where miles are travelled and fuel is used can be time consuming, cumbersome, and often inaccurate, which makes it a less than desirable option for any motor carrier to recover fuel tax credits available. 
EROAD’s Off Highway Fuel Usage Report uses a powerful, built-in mapping solution that automatically identifies off highway miles and categorizes them by road type: private, off road, toll road, construction site, and forestry roads. Users also have the option of creating off highway geofences. 
Join this informative webinar to learn how EROAD is now automating this process to help motor carriers maximize the opportunity for the recovery of motor fuel tax consumed while driving off highway with its new Off Highway Fuel Usage Report. 
Speaker: Brittany C. Clark – EROAD Product Manager 
Brittany Clark is the Product Owner responsible for leading the development of EROAD's suite of tax solutions for its U.S. operations. Brittany brings over 7 years' experience in the tax and revenue industry to this role and works directly with the development team on a daily basis to ensure a highly accurate and intuitive solution is being delivered to our customers.