US93/US95 Corridor Survey- Please Respond

We need 10 minutes of your time!  The I-15 Mobility Alliance is considering improvements needed to the US93 and US95 Corridor from I-10 to I-80 (which includes portions of US93a, US6, and NV318—and excludes freeway portions—see map). This corridor currently serves important interregional travel, and portions of it can serve as an alternate route to I-15 in the event of closures between Salt Lake City and Southern California (such as the recent closure at Cajon Pass due to fire).

Could you please help us identify specific locations along the US93/US95 corridor (shown with a heavy blue line on the map) in need of improvement? Examples include:
•         Locations with safety concerns (and why)
•         Areas prone to closures due to flooding
•         Locations where climbing or passing lanes are needed
•         And/or any other chokepoints you are aware of  

Feel free to respond to this email with a bulleted list of locations/chokepoints, or mark-up the attached map, or call Dan Andersen at 702-953-1246.

The I-15 Mobility Alliance ( is composed of the four state Departments of Transportation from Utah, Nevada, California, and Arizona, and includes additional public and private sector partners. Their mission is to develop a comprehensive, multimodal Master Plan for the I-15 Corridor, to prioritize projects and policies of interregional significance, to seek financial and other resources necessary for the implementation of the Master Plan, and to devise appropriate governance mechanisms for the ongoing efficient and effective construction, operations, and maintenance of the corridor on a more sustainable basis.