Make Your Voice Heard: Are You A Trucking Activist?

How the movement of freight intersects with government policy continues to be a major challenge for trucking companies, and in no place is this more evident than California. The 2016 elections saw California Democrats continue their dominance, and now have reached veto-proof majorities in both houses of the legislature. How can trucking companies grow their political status in this challenging environment? How can you communicate your companies concerns more effectively in order to influence policymaking? 

Find out by attending CTA’s Annual Membership Conference, January 20-23, 2017 at the Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa. In this session, you will hear from two well respected legislators who will share their insights on how to most effectively communicate with policymakers in Sacramento. Senator Anthony Cannella and Assemblymember Adam Gray will be on hand fielding questions from moderators Kelly Jensen and George Miller, CTA’s contract lobbyists.