The Fleet Safety Awards Program Applications Are Available Now!

Be recognized for your company’s efforts and achievements in safety. An award from a state or national organization shows drivers and other transportation employees that their efforts are recognized and appreciated throughout the industry and by their peers.

The purpose of the Fleet Safety Awards Program is to recognize companies that reduce accidents by designing and running a top-notch safety program.
Each year we make available an application on our website for companies to download and submit back to us with requested information such as a current BIT or DOT audit form, a description of the company's safety  program and accident frequency rate for the previous year. 
Applicants are scored on the following criteria:
• Results of the BIT/FMCSA inspection
• Safety Program
• Frequency and content of safety meetings
• Accident frequency rate(number of accidents x 1,000,000/California miles)

In addition to the Fleet Safety Awards, we also have applications available for Fleet Safety Professional of the Year and Maintenance Professional of the Year. Applications are due Friday March 3, 2017.

This year’s awards banquet is scheduled for Wednesday April 5, 2017 in Sacramento, CA.

For more information, please contact Events Coordinator, Nicole Toms, at 916-373-3558 or