CTA's New Director of Legislative Affairs

I am pleased and excited to share with all of you, news that CTA's new Director of Legislative Affairs, Matt Roman, is on board effective February 8.
Matt comes to CTA with a deep, significant and extensive background at the California State Capitol, having worked over the past eleven years for five state legislators in varying capacities.  Most recently, Matt served at the State Capitol as California State Assemblymember Eric Linder's Capitol Director.  In this capacity over the past 4+ years, Matt was essentially Assemblymember Linder's chief of staff in Sacramento.  As many of our CTA members know, Assemblymember Linder was the Vice Chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee and widely known as a very effective Republican legislator with the keen knack and ability to work across the aisle with Democrats in an effort to solve California's most critical issues.  Matt in his role with Linder, played a vital piece in terms of relationships with legislators throughout the State Capitol, as well as business and industry groups throughout the state.  As part of that, Matt advised Linder on infrastructure funding proposals, worked to help pass legislation giving local governments the tools to build road and highway improvements quicker and cheaper, and was the key staff member on negotiations surrounding truck weight fees.   
Prior to his time working with Assemblymember Linder, Matt served as the Legislative Director for Assemblymember Bill Berryhill, and Legislative Aide to Assemblymember Ted Gaines.  Additionally, Matt served on staff for Assemblymember John Benoit and Assembly Republican Leader Michael Villines.  As you can gather even from this very brief backgrounder, Matt Roman is a well-known entity within the State Capitol, with an impeccable reputation.  If I can use a pro sports analogy, let me say that when I gathered up the CTA team to survey the landscape of potential draft picks for this position, Matt was absolutely the number one pick in the first round that we had our eye on, and I am extremely excited that we have been able to land him on our team!  You will understand this clearly as you get a chance to meet him in the near future.  Please join me in welcoming Matt Roman.
On a separate note, and while I am sending this email to all membership, I wanted to be sure you all are also aware of two CTA team promotions that recently took place.  Also very exciting.  And while this was first announced at the recent Annual Membership Conference (AMC) and has also gone out on a formal press release, please join me in congratulating CTA's new Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Eric Sauer, and CTA's new Vice President of Government Affairs, Chris Shimoda.  I am attaching a copy of the formal press release here for your reference and review. You can view it by click here

As always, there is no shortage of critical issues facing our great industry.  Please know that your team at CTA comes to work each and every day, ready, committed and determined to work and fight on your behalf.
All the best,
Shawn Yadon | CEO
California Trucking Association
4148 East Commerce Way 
Sacramento, CA 95834
T: (916)-373-3535 | E: syadon@caltrux.org 
W: www.caltrux.org