AB 301 – Third Party CDL Testing

As the Legislative year progresses, each week we want to highlight a piece of legislation moving forward and its effect on you. This week, we are highlighting AB 301 (Rodriguez).

Assemblymember Rodriguez has been one of our greatest champions in a Legislature that can often times be a difficult environment for business.  His bill, AB 301, which CTA is sponsoring, will expand the use of 3rd party testing for CDL’s across the state, further showing his commitment to the trucking industry.

Third Party testing is not a radical new idea and is already used in California in limited circumstances.  39 other states also employ some form of third party testing. Several of them allow for public and private training schools, independent testing centers, motor carriers, and other third parties to administer skills tests, much like what is proposed in AB 301.

CTA staff has been meeting with legislator’s and stakeholders to stress the need to clear the backlog and wait time for a CDL test.  These wait times are untenable for an industry that is already facing a driver shortage.  Montebello is in one of the worst situations with wait times reaching 65 days.

California is already struggling to keep up with the demand for new truck drivers.  The third party testing program that Asm Rodriguez is proposing in AB 301 is a common sense approach to addressing our driver shortage and the only solution that is possible in a timely manner.

Please take 5 minutes to send in a support letter from your company to show your support for AB 301.  Attached is a sample letter along with the support letter submitted by CTA.  Please send a completed letter to Shanna.Ezzell@asm.ca.gov.  
Sample Letter for Your Use
AB 301 CTA Sponsor Letter