California Trucking Association Applauds Passage of Transportation Package

April 6, 2017

CONTACT: Beth Miller/Brooke Armour

California Trucking Association Applauds Passage of Transportation Package
SACRAMENTO--Shawn Yadon, CEO of the California Trucking Association, issued the following statement today in response to the passage of SB1, the historic transportation funding package that will raise $52 billion over a 10-year period to fund crucial infrastructure projects:
"The California Trucking Association is proud to stand with Governor Jerry Brown, Assembly and Senate leadership, the chairmen of the Senate and Assembly Transportation committees and other important business leaders in applauding the passage of this critical funding agreement.
"This transportation package is a win for all Californians, including the trucking industry, which has been significantly impacted by our deteriorating roads and infrastructure. The funding options provided in this measure will give our state a prudent and reliable revenue source to fix our roads and keep goods moving in and through California."