CTA Members Go To Washington DC

Last week, the California Trucking Association conducted its 2017 Call On Washington in the Nation’s Capitol. This year’s Call On Washington saw 31 CTA members register to participate, by far the largest number CTA has had attend in quite some time. CTA members participated in 15 meetings with members of the California Delegation which included Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. In addition to the meetings, CTA members received a Federal issues briefing from ATA’s President and CEO Chris Spear. CTA would like to thank all of its members who participated in the Call On Washington for taking the time, money and effort to travel back east. CTA would also like to thank ATA for putting together a fantastic Call On Washington program and providing resources and staff to help with the meetings. If you have never done a Call on Washington and are interested in coming in 2018 let us know! For more information contact Eric Sauer at esauer@caltrux.org 

CTA members and staff on the steps of the United States Capitol during the Call on Washington trip.