Allied Members: Get Involved and Volunteer

I have been involved with the CTA in some way, shape, or form since the 90's; and, primarily as a volunteer. No doubt, the company I work for (Accutrac Capital) is a member for reasons we all are); as such, my goal is to form and foster business relationships. However, volunteering to set up, take down, organize, and be a part of events has afforded me the opportunity to meet some pretty awesome folks in the trucking industry. For a little bit of my time, volunteering at CTA events has made my membership well worth it. 

I am once again volunteering my services to the CTA, by compiling a list of volunteers for events for both Northern and Southern California. I encourage you to consider giving a little bit of your time to support the CTA. Get out, meet people. Your CTA membership card is just a start, members need to see your face, know what you do; and volunteering puts right in the middle of the action. Trust me, it takes time energy and lots of hands to make CTA events successful. Make your membership work for you, by working for it.  

Please, click here to email me, and sign up for the "V" team (volunteer team). I'll do my best to keep you in the loop with respect to upcoming event opportunities. 

Feel free to call me with any questions or to discuss how volunteering can benefit your business efforts (209-276-5478)

Thank you,

Emily Amparan
Accutrac Capital