2017 Winter Storms- Lessons Learned Roundtable Discussion

CTA along with Caltrans and the CHP will be hosting a "Lessons Learned" roundtable discussion regarding this year’s unprecedented storms that had a tremendous impact on the trucking industry’s ability to transport goods over the Donner Pass region. The purpose of the session is to continue the open dialogue between the agencies and the trucking industry and work towards improving communication on closures, detours and other obstacles that impact the goods movement industry during the winter storm season. CTA would like to thank Caltrans for providing this opportunity to the trucking industry. The session is scheduled for the following date, time and location:

Date- Tuesday, June 6th
Time- 10:00am
Location- Caltrans Kingvale Facility 
Address- 51121 Donner Pass Road, Soda Springs CA

If you plan on attending the Lessons Learned Roundtable Discussion e-mail your RSVP to Heather Ward at hward@caltrux.org. For more information contact Eric Sauer at esauer@caltrux.org