Drivers - We Need You! - Participate in the Truck Platooning Driving Study

Researchers at U.C. Berkeley & Volvo are currently conducting an on-the-road driving study on the topic of truck platooning. The study will be conducted on roads in the San Francisco Bay Area. They are currently looking for 3 participants for daytime testing and 12 for nighttime testing. 

- Duration: 5-6 hours
- Route: I-580. South East bound towards Westley on I-5
- Task: Driving Volvo Class 8 sleeper cab tractors equipped with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)
- Available dates - Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from May 24th to June 30th (day 9:00 am - 2:00 pm; night 7:00 pm - 12:00 pm)
- Driver compensation: $30/hour

Driver Recruitment Criteria
- Valid Class A driver license
- Clean driving record for the past 3 years with no DUIs
- OK with being enrolled in U.C. Berkeley driving record pull program for the duration of study

Please contact Shiyan Yang, U.C. Berkeley, at if you or anyone you know is interested in the study.