Cap and Trade Update

In recent days, Governor Jerry Brown has been working behind the scenes on negotiations to pass an extension of the Cap and Trade program, which has been California’s main tool used by the California Air Resources Board to reduce emissions in the state.  The Governor has been hastily meeting with Legislators and stakeholders to try and pass something before Legislators leave for summer recess on July 20th.  

The CTA has been in the middle of these discussions advocating for the goods movement industry meeting with key legislators and administration officials to work towards minimizing or mitigating the effects on our industry.  The Governor has been steadfast in his belief that any extension will need a 2/3rd’s vote, which means that Republican legislators find themselves in the rare occurrence of being relevant and needed to pass the extension.

It is uncertain what the final legislation will look like or when language will be introduced, but CTA staff will keep you updated as negotiations progress.