California Transportation Commission Adopts Guidelines to Implement Portions of SB1

California Transportation Commission Adopts Guidelines for Key Programs Funded by the 2017 Road Repair and Accountability Act
Emphasis on Accountability and Transparency Provisions for SB 1 Programs 
SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Transportation Commission (Commission) has adopted guidelines to implement portions of Senate Bill (SB) 1. The Commission’s actions for the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP), the Transportation Asset Management Plan, and the Active Transportation Program (ATP) are the first major step toward awarding the funds specific to those project areas.  SB 1, signed by Governor Brown in April, provides the first significant and stable increase in state transportation funding to rebuild California in more than two decades. 
With the action to adopt SHOPP guidelines, Commission Chair Bob Alvarado appointed a taskforce comprised of commissioners to support staff in implementing the accountability provisions of SB 1, "It is critical to this Commission that accountability provisions of SB 1 are effectively and comprehensively implemented," said Commission Chair Alvarado.
"The guidelines adopted for these programs set forth the process to invest in projects that will provide the greatest overall benefit to taxpayers while ensuring that those receiving funding are held accountable," said Commission Executive Director Susan Bransen.
At its June 2017 Commission meeting, the Commission adopted the following programmatic guidelines:
The Commission’s guidelines are developed through a public and transparent process. The Commission has and will continue to hold public workshops to continue the guideline development process for other SB 1 programs.  For more information including information on upcoming workshops, visit the Commission’s SB 1 webpage at:
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