IRP Offers Discussions of Inadequate Records

IRP, Inc., the repository of the International Fuel Tax Agreement, is offering a series of on-line discussions, led by IRP auditors, on the subject of the new IRP audit rules on inadequate records.  The discussions are open not only to state government personnel but also to industry representatives that are IRP affiliate members.  The discussions are being offered on a regional basis, with that for the South on August 29, for the Midwest on August 30, and for the West on September 6.  (We didn’t get the announcement in time for the Northeastern session, which was August 15.)  If you’re an affiliate member, you may sign up for any (or, we suppose) all of these.  Inadequate records became an issue when IRP’s new audit rules went into effect a few years ago.  If an IRP registrant’s records are deemed inadequate by an auditor, that is, too bad to be audited, no audit is done, and an additional assessment is imposed on the registrant instead.  States apply this criterion in different ways – the discussions may be quite interesting. To register, visit International Registration Plan, Inc. 

 Article provided by ATA State Laws Newsletter