Don't Miss Out! On Wednesday, Sept. 27 Shawn Yadon, CEO of the California Trucking Association will be sharing an in-depth overview of legislative and regulatory events in 2017 and how the California trucking industry is being affected by these recent measures. State, Local and Federal issues will be covered. Use this opportunity to get up to date on what's happening and how it will impact your bottom line! For more information and to register,
click here.
Space Limited to 50 attendees
Gather your team of daredevil racers for the 1st Annual Bay Area Unit Go Kart Fundraiser. The event will be on Wednesday, October 4 at Fremont LeMans Karting. Taco truck dinner, drinks, and foot billiards included.
Click on the video below to see CTA President Doug Britton take on the Go Kart challenge.
Accept the challenge and join us for a great time!