CDL Skills Testing Delay Update

In 2015 when CTA was made aware of the delays occurring at the DMV for one to take their CDL skills test, reaching 90 days in some areas of California, the Board directed staff to work with DMV and the Legislature to address the wait times.  

Thanks to champions in the legislature like Assemblymembers Freddie Rodriguez and Jim Patterson, CTA introduced AB 301 this past year.  AB 301 would have created a goal of 7 days to receive an appointment for a test.  Unfortunately, AB 301 may not have passed the legislature, being held in the Senate Appropriations Committee in the final days of the legislative year, but it furthered the conversation with DMV and other stakeholders in the process.

CTA’s efforts on AB 301, combined with DMV shifting resources to address the delays, has resulted in every testing facility in California reducing the wait times to 10 days or less.

DMV’s staff made this issue a priority and has worked with CTA staff throughout the process to implement new procedures and best practices along with a commitment not to let wait times return to an unacceptable level.

If you are experiencing wait time delays, please notify Matt Roman at or (916) 373-3570.