California Moves to Adopt EPA Phase 2 Standards, Trailer and Glider Kit Provisions

California, the sole state with Congressional authority to establish engine and vehicle emission standards, is posed to adopt state regulations that largely harmonize with the federal Phase 2 greenhouse gas standards. Some differences are being proposed with respect to enforcement, certification, warranties and advanced technology credits. 

Most significantly, the California regulations would retain standards for trailers and glider kits, provisions which are being re-evaluated by EPA. The state requirements will be directed at tractors and trailers manufactured for sale in California. Amendments to the state’s in-use Tractor-Trailer GHG regulation are also being proposed. These amendments will add Phase 2 trailer aerodynamic and tire technologies as compliance options for 53-foot or longer trailers operating in the state. 

An adoption hearing is scheduled for February 8, 2018 in Sacramento. More information can be found in the Notice of Public Hearing

ATA has advocated for uniform emission standards throughout the nation through the adopted federal Phase 2 standards and will be developing and submitting comments on the proposed California regulations. 
Article provided by American Trucking Association