Governor Jerry Brown Unveils his 2018-19 Budget

On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown unveiled his 2018-19 budget proposal with much fanfare for its increased investment into California’s failing infrastructure. He announced that in 2017, after SB 1 was passed, $5 billion in new projects throughout California had already been awarded.  The majority of this funding was used for fix-it-first projects and helping relieve freight corridors.  A significant investment made possible by SB 1.

In his new budget proposal the Governor has recommended an additional $2.8 billion go to fixing California’s roads and highways, along with an additional $556 million being allocated for trade corridors and the sustainable freight strategy.

This is only the first step in the Budget process.  In March and April the Legislature will begin their budget subcommittee hearings with a final proposal being voted on June 15. CTA staff will continue to work with the administration and Legislative leaders to ensure funding continues to support California’s deteriorating roads and highways.

2018 - 19 Budget Proposal