Job Killer Bill Held in Appropriations Committee

Last year, we briefed the membership on a bill introduced by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, AB 5. AB 5 would have mandated employers with as few as 10 employees to offer hours of work that become available to existing employees before hiring a new employee, temporary employee or contractor.

CTA worked hand in hand with the California Chamber of Commerce, who labeled the bill a Job Killer, along with a coalition of over 100 business and trade associations to educate Assemblymembers about the dangers of enacting a bill that would limit an employers' ability to effectively manage their workforce to address both consumer and employee requests. In addition, AB 5 would have subjected employers to costly fines and multiple avenues of litigation for technical violations that would not result in any harm to an employee.

It is our pleasure to let you know that because of this lobbying effort from CTA and the rest of the business community, AB 5 was held in Assembly Appropriations, marking a rare win for business in Sacramento. 

As always, we want to thank our members who reached out to Legislators and their staff to express their concern over this legislation. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Matt Roman at