Register for 2018 California Trucking Day

Registration is now open for this year's Trucking Day on May 8, 2018. Find out more information and register

Attend Sessions on Legislation and Policy Issues
Trucking Day begins in the morning at The Sawyer Hotel with morning sessions on pending legislation and policy issues important to California's trucking industry. Hear from key elected officials and respected political insiders. 

Meet with Your Elected Officials at the Capitol 
Before meeting with elected officials and their staff, you will be given tools to navigate you through your meetings with legislators and their staff. Topics and talking points to be discussed in your meetings will be reviewed. You will meet with legislators and their staff in small groups with a group leader who has experience educating and interacting with legislators. 

Interact with Legislators at an Evening Reception 
Immediately following the meetings, you will be treated to a hosted reception at The Sawyer Hotel where you can further interact with the elected officials that you met during your capitol visits. Drinks and hors'devours will be served.