CTA to Challenge Dynamex Decision - We Need Your Help

In response to the recent California Supreme Court's decision in the Dynamex case, CTA's Executive Committee approved CTA to look into a litigation strategy that the Association could pursue. However, the strategy is contingent upon the Association having adequate funds to pursue litigation. As has worked in previous litigation efforts that the Association has been a named party to, contributions from CTA members and other trucking industry stakeholders has allowed us the ability to pursue litigation. 

Because of the real threat that this decision poses on trucking companies that operate in California we are asking you to consider making a contribution to CTA’s Dynamex Litigation Fund Account. The account is a dedicated account that will intake funds that can only be used for this litigation.
Recently CTA sent out an RFP to qualified law firms that might be interested in representing CTA. Submissions will be reviewed by the Dynamex Litigation Review Panel and they will select the firm that they feel will represent CTA best. 
What we have asked from candidates that received the RFP is to provide the following: suggestion of litigation strategy, timelines and cost. 
To pursue a litigation strategy like this will be extremely costly, however what’s at stake if we don’t fight back will be devastating. 
We are asking members to consider making a contribution on the following levels:
• $1,000 per driver of your company, which is a fraction of the potential liability created by Dynamex 
• Or, $25,000 per company
CLICK HERE for information on the following:
• What is the Dynamex Decision and Why it is a Threat
• What’s at Risk 
• What’s CTA doing in Response to the Decision
• What is the Litigation Plan
• How Can My Company Help (contribute) 
As soon as the Firm is selected and the litigation plan has been identified, CTA will conduct a webinar to walk our members through what the strategy is. The webinar should occur in the next couple of weeks. 
Thank you for your consideration. For more information feel free to contact Eric Sauer at esauer@caltrux.org.