Protect the Independent Contractor Business Model

Independent Contractors have long been the lifeblood of the trucking industry.

Independent Contractors, among many others, are facing extinction because of the recent California Supreme Court decision known as Dynamex which could harm the livelihoods of nearly two million Californians who choose to be an independent contractor or freelancer for full-time or part time work. The decision creates a one-size-fits-all business model that does not reflect today’s realities of Californians who are choosing to work independently to make more money or for flexibility.

We need your help to protect the choice and freedom for individuals to work as independent contractors.

Sign the Owner-Operator Petition
If you haven't already done so, click on the above link to sign the Owner-Operator Petition. Anyone can sign the petition. Please forward to your employees, co-workers, and owner-operators. The more signatures we have, the stronger our voice.

Attend the Independent Contractor Rally at the State Capitol
We are asking you to join us on Wednesday, August 15th at the State Capitol for a Rally and Independent Contractor Legislative Day. It is important that legislators take action now to suspend the application of the recent court decision and protect the freedom to choose to work as an independent contractor or freelancer. Without legislative action, this choice and opportunity will be in jeopardy. We are asking for RSVPs by Friday, August 10. To RSVP, email View the flyer

I'm Independent Coalition Website
We also want to highlight the new "I’m Independent" Coalition, which the CTA is an active member of. The I’m Independent Coalition website features stories from independent contractors whose livelihoods are jeopardized by the Dynamex decision and has a tool for you to send a note to your elected officials expressing your concerns with this decision.