Photos from the Tri-County President's Night

The Tri-County Unit held it's President's Salute and Law Enforcement Recognition Night on October 6th. It was held at Ottavio's Restaurant in Camarillo. It was a great evening honoring 2018 CTA President Lynnette Brown and the CHP. Lynnette gave a recap on some of her highlights during her year as President. CTA CEO Shawn Yadon discussed some of the items CTA is fighting for and against. 

CHP Officer Rico Reyes and Unit Chair Scott Cramer. The Tri-County Unit donated $500.00 to the Widows and Orphans Fund. 

 CHP Officers from the Coastal Division enjoying the dinner meeting. 

The Tri-County Unit donated $500.00 to Priceless Pets on behalf of CTA President Lynnette Brown.