Air Mile Radius- ELD Clarification

During last week’s CTA Safety, Security and Human Resources Policy Committee, the new Commander of the Commercial Motor Carrier Division, Captain Tony Coronado attended the meeting and was introduced along with his Lieutenants to members in attendance. Captain Coronado recently replaced the former Commercial Division Commander, Captain Sean Duryee who moved onto another position within the CHP. 

During the introduction, some CTA members asked questions that they were seeking clarification on. These questions have been posed to CTA by members recently and we thought it would be a good idea to provide the questions and answers to members of the association who may have the same questions. Below are the items that were brought up. Please share with personnel within your company as you see fit. 

Applicability of 150 air mile radius-
Question: How is the "source of the agricultural commodities" determined if the driver makes multiple pick-ups of the commodity in route to the final destination?
Guidance: When a driver loads some of an agricultural commodity at a "source" and then loads more of that commodity at additional stops, the first place where the commodity was loaded is the measuring point for the 150 air-mile radius. For further clarification, click here

ELD Requirement for MX Carriers-
Question: Are Mexico-domiciled drivers required to use ELDs when they are operating in the United States? 
Yes, if a Mexico carrier is entering the US they would be required to have an ELD unless otherwise exempted such as drivers that are local and claim the 100 air mile radius exemption.