EPA Announces Intent to Begin NOx Rulemaking for Trucks

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced their intent to begin a rulemaking process to explore lower NOx levels for heavy-duty trucks. Rulemaking is expected to begin in 2020, which would mean the earliest model year which could be impacted would be MY2024. Staff from the American Trucking Associations and the Engine Manufacturers Association spoke at the press conference announcing the intent to promulgate the rule.

While details have yet to be provided, this announcement comes in response to a 2016 petition from the South Coast AQMD, which asked the EPA to set a new standard for NOx from trucks at a level 90% below the 2010 EPA model year standard. EPA has not committed to such a low level and it has also announced it intends to look at this as an opportunity to streamline and modernize other parts of the engine certification and durability requirements.

CARB has been working on a California rulemaking for lower NOx trucks for several years now and have indicated they may be ready to begin their rulemaking in 2019. CARB Chair Mary Nichols voiced support for the EPA promulgating a national standard, but did not indicate CARB will cease work on their own standards. As in all rulemakings involving CARB and EPA, there is likely a long road of negotiations ahead until we land on a final set of rules.

We will provide more information as it becomes available, but please feel free to contact Chris Shimoda at cshimoda@caltrux.org if you have any questions.