Important Dynamex Litigation and Legislative Update

CTA Members, 

Please see the updates below regarding the Dynamex issue:

A federal district judge found the ABC test preempted by the FAAAA. This is a great development for us and strengthens our path to victory on litigation. However, we still have a ways to go and we are urging members to financially support our litigation efforts today.

• The California legislature reconvened on December 3rd and two bills have already been introduced on the Dynamex issue. Most importantly, Asssemblymember Lorena Gonzalez introduced Assembly Bill 5 to codify the ABC test into state law. AB 5 will be the labor sponsored vehicle to address Dynamex during the legislative session. Caitlyn Vega, Legislative Director of the California Labor Federation, was quoted in the Sacramento Bee in regards to their legislative efforts and stated, “Labor groups would not compromise on the fundamental purpose of the court decision to extend employment rights to these workers who are vulnerable to exploitation.” To counter these efforts, trucking must continue to pursue federal preemption through the courts.

The developments noted above clearly illustrate the importance of the CTA’s Dynamex lawsuit. This initial federal court decision shows that we can win. AB 5 shows that we must win.

Dynamex One Pager

We will not be able to defeat the Dynamex Decision without your help.

Please make your contribution payable to “California Trucking Association”
4148 E. Commerce Way
Sacramento, CA 95834.
(Important Note--Please include “General Litigation Fund or Dynamex” in the check’s memo line or accompanying email to ensure the contribution is allocated properly.)

Contributions can be made in installments. Major contributors will have an opportunity to be involved in management and oversight of the litigation.